The last month of 2007:
December has been pretty hectic between finals, wondering if I should change university and spending the holidays in France. My Christmas break did not start well since I missed my flight to Paris due to a snow storm. I was finally being able to make it to Paris one day later at no cost, thank you Air Canada! However, I still had to wait 9 hours at the airport ;)
The holidays in France went well. The trip was rich in so many ways, spending quality time with friends and family. I caught up with many friends, some I had not seen in 15 and 8 years, Fred and Karine!
I also went to Marseille (south of France) where I visited relatives that I had not seen for quite some time. The weather there was beautiful which felt wonderful to my skin and soul!
Paris was also the meeting place with some dear American friends that I had not seen for quite a while and are living across the globe: Andy (South Africa), Stephanie (London) and Denise (Miami).
In terms of school, I submitted my application to McGill and will find out soon if I am accepted or not. However, after consulting with several people it seems that having a good research adviser is more important than being in a prestigious university so after all the drama and saga I may stay at UdM and take my courses at McGill.
Well, not much luck so far and it is actually better this way since I need to stay focus with my school work ;)
New year:
It will be a fantastic year! My warmest wishes to you all for this new year filled with health, love, joy and laughters !
Hey there.
So glad to hear that you're doing well. Love the stories and pictures, keep posting them.
Take care.
Great pics Sachet. And it was great to finally experience the Skype video chat feature! See you in July!
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