Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Montreal sous la neige/Snowing in Montreal

Finally, it's snowing in Montreal! I'm glad I was able to get on time what I needed for the cold weather!

Nothing too exciting in the last month since my last posting: working, studying, hanging out with the new friends I made here. The one big thing was this workshop I attended last week that was quite a fascinating experience. It was on cultural psychotherapy and it is called psychohistorigraphy. The theme was on reasonable accomodations, which has been a very delicate/hot topic here in Québec because of the large amount of immigrants that need to be accomodated due to their cultural and religious background. It was a 2 day intense human experience with a group of 36 people where we expresssed our feelings, thoughts, experience into songs, poem, playback and scenette. Then, few days later we had a performance followed by a discussion with the audience, which was quite heated because the white québéquois did not feel represented in our performance. Through this workshop, where I did not know anybody when I first joined, I have met wonderful people and especially made some connection with folks who work for the department of transcultural psychiatry, which is one of the main reasons I moved to Montreal.

One more month before the end of the quarter, which means lots of studying of course and wrapping up my first quarter as a student again! Then, I fly to Paris where I will spend the hollidays and visit my family, French friends as well as some American friends who will be de passage in Paris as well. I' m looking forward to have a break and hang out with people I know well. I guess I need to be surrounded with people I know well to have that home feeling .... I guess I need a break from newness for a little while... ;)


Diane said...

Congratulations on almost completing your first PhD quarter!
And snow already?

John said...

Nice to see you posting again.

John said...

And what news hath December wrought?

Wolfgang said...

Glad you successfully completed your first semester. I also completed my first and only class I am taking now on bioengineering, next molecular chemistry.

Enjoy Paris, bissous,
